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On August 27, 2013 hoppy

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'Nother dumb kid story.
November 23, 2012 @ 05:04:38 pm
When I was a first grader at good old St. mary’s, I never lacked for ways to make myself look dumb. One day in class, the nun asked a question. No one raised their hands to answer. I couldn’t believe it. I knew the answer. Why didn’t everyone else? This would be my shining moment.
I nervously raised my hand.
“Yes Hop”?
I stood up beside my desk and gave the correct answer. Nun had a surprised look on her face.
“That’s right Hop. Go to the head of the class”, then she turned to write my answer on the blackboard.
Well, I had never heard that expression before. When she turned back to face the class, there I was, standing in front of her. She had a surprised look on her face, then said, “I didn’t mean to really come up here, it’s just an expression”.
So, for some time the other kids would see me walk by and say, “Hop’s on his way to the head of the class”, then laugh. I hated those little jackasses.

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